Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Evolution of the Ash Street Saloon

You may have wandered by it. May have even caught a band playing there any night of the week. To me this place epitomizes your typical local bar for bands, loud, old, grungy, and full of people downing beer after beer.

But there is a history to the place. Before the Ash Street Saloon started in 1994, it was a Korean Restaurant, before that a Mexican joint, and long before that it was a bookstore, and sometime around that era a barbershop as well. The place has worn many faces.

There was a restaurant called Hesse’s Café in the 1915 and 1930s next to it, they used to pass out tokens for meals to all the sailors and port workers. It also had a card room in the back that few knew about.

But it all started as the Bickle Building, built in 1885. This was where the Portland City Council would meet up stairs... below was a confectionary (candy store).

Small Anecdote to all this history -- Across the street is the Multnomah Hotel (now an Embassy Suites)… in 1905 a bi-plane took off from the roof (that was a 60 foot runway they say)… in 1996 (likely at the opening of the Embassy suites) the stunt was re-enacted.
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Anonymous said...

Hi There, thanks for visiting my blog. Its good to see another Oregon blog. What great fun to do a on Portland blogs.

I get to Portland only a few times a year and usually get lost a lot :) said...

Lost or not, it is a great city.

Open Eyes Blinded By The Knowledge Of All That Is said...

Great History lesson!

Unknown said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...


Stealing Love Jones (South Africa) Song "Kicks" in SA went to No.1
Video for A little easier my fav. is pretty cool too... (Their singer Miss Jones is sooo rad)
"Combine the power of the Foo Fighters with the pop vibes of Britney Spears"
Plus!!! KONGOS Wow, I found these guys out from a Stealing Love Jones Blog, & they are playing together...
They kinda remind me of Pink Floyd, Coldplay & The Police!

I'm gonna see them @ ASH STREET ON MARCH 29... meet me and say Hi! muah
Lisa 99 problemz ?

http:/ /

Anonymous said...

I'm so going to see the Kongos on the 29th. I love them. how did you here about them?